Saturday, March 10, 2007

Grind and Swing

This weekend has been the busiest ever!
It started with a marathon run of 3 kms up and down a bridge, with two bags weighing 10 kgs, in the choc-o-block traffic to catch my train. I was going to Bangalore.
The saturday started with work and ended late into the night with work. It was a non-stop grind from 10 AM to 12 Midnight working with excel, intense discussions and lot of figuring out interrupted only for dining.
I had to go through quiet a bit of mood swings as the model was getting built. With absolute disbelief in the possibility of the model to a high of having discovered (possibly) the next big thing in the internet. As we played with numbers, we were seeing the possibility of making just 2 lakhs per month as revenue to 55 lakhs per month.
The grind continues today and as they say, hope all that's well ends well..

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