Saturday, July 05, 2008

Have a good one!

I am not a very courteous guy by nature. Let me qualify it better for the sake of first time visitors to my blog.
I am not an a**. If we both meet at a perpendicular corner and crash head on I would of course say "Sorry" . I might still hurl an abuse mentally "Kannu ina pindaniya vechurka..tharudhalai". So I do maintain the Indian levels of courtesy. But here I am surrounded by people who ooze out courtesy like running nose. How much ever you try, involuntarily the presence is felt! Sample these: "Have a good one man" -- Imagine someone wishing this when I am about to go to the loo!! The point is, in my office, the way to the one bathroom place and way out are same.
So people presume that I am getting out of office and show immense courtesy to an unknown collegue by wishing me to have a good one!! I am going to teach these guys to say "Have a good on(e)ukku!" "Have a blessed weekend" -- I may need all these blessings with my new car and pretty hopeless driving skills for the first world. But come on. If I say thanks to your offer for "blessed weekend", does it not mean that I should deserve it and go on a trance the whole weekend? Dont shower religiously threatening courtesies when I cant take it.
I thought, may be its the way one should be and asked my collegue "How is it going?" (Not when he was on his way to the loo or back from the loo) He said "Great. So great that if its any better, it would be illegal" I hope he does not come in prime time TV inside a box with an unneccessarily oratorial reporter describing him as "Shocking acts of child abuse by John who sits next to Ashwin in his office"
With such unfathomable ludicurous courtesy calls and equally bizzare responses to courtesies, I decided to show the "constipated smile" when shown courtesy or when the person in the shopping mall aisle expects it from me. Better look constipated than corny!
You have a good one mate!

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